Gordon is an academic who thoroughly enjoys the classroom, on line or in person. But he also has an active ministry and role with public lectures hosted by universities and local churches. He finds deep joy in providing congregations with week-end seminars and conferences on different dimensions of the Christian life.
Here is a sample of current seminars – suggested format, four sessions (Friday evening and then three sessions on Saturday).
The Voice of Jesus: Learning to Listen
An introduction to prayer and discernment – and how we recognize the voice and the initiative of Jesus at key times in our lives. How can we recognize that God is speaking to us – and know that indeed this is God? This week-end seminar is designed to encourage an intimate relationship with God through prayer.
Vocation, Work and Career: Navigating the Transitions of Life
Christians at all stages of life wrestle with matters of vocation – “What is God calling me to do with the next chapter of my life?” And what we need is practical guidance for discerning well, in the midst of uncertainty and change in the church and in our social environment. And we need encouragement – for young people as they embark on their adult lives, for those in mid-life as they make sense of their options (and limitations) and those entering their senior years, as they enter into this new chapter in their lives.
Managing Well: The Art and Craft of Good Governance
Organizations and churches only flourish if and as they are managed well: the good stewardship of opportunities and resources. And this means we give attention to the principles and protocols of good governance. Notable here is the principle of shared power – with effective executive leadership that is accountable and supported by a board of trustees or council. What are these principes and protocols and how can we all learn what it means to manage well as we serve within the organizations to which we are called?