
Talks, articles, and interviews from Gordon T. Smith
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Christian Mission in the Meantime

Your Calling Here and Now on “The Well” InterVarsity Podcast

Host Jasmine Obeyesekere conducts an online discussion with author and professor Gordon T. Smith where they discuss vocation, spiritual engagement, and personal congruence. Gordon Smith shows us how our vocation is a form of spiritual engagement…

Wisdom From Babylon on The Faith Today Podcast

A conversation about what a secular age looks like, and how a deeply hospitable church can respond and just be in a time that feels new and different, but not without its own beautiful possibilities.

Leading the Church in a Secular Canada

Christ Centered or Spirit Centered? Why the Question Matters

Discerning Vocation: Asking the Right Questions

“What is the good work to which we are called?” This seminar considers the six defining questions that we need to ask ourselves on our journey to discover the answer to this particular question.

Prayer & the Kingdom: Learning to Pray “In the Spirit”

We are called to witness to the reign of Christ, that our work would be “kingdom work.” This seminar will consider how the prayer “thy kingdom come” can inform and infuse our daily lives with a…

What Can Evangelicals Learn from Catholics?

Unity, Diversity and the Glory of God

On Unity and Diversity – January 2015, Richmond Alliance, the Tapestry, and Emmanuel Christian Community.

The Unity of the Church: A Matter of Theological Conviction

On Unity and Diversity – January 2015, Richmond Alliance, the Tapestry, and Emmanuel Christian Community.

Vatican II – 50 years later: An Evangelical Response

On Unity and Diversity – January 2015, Richmond Alliance, the Tapestry, and Emmanuel Christian Community.

How Did Growing Up As A Third Culture Kid Impact You?

Developing Thoughts On Discernment

reSource Leadership International

Business as Fulfilling God’s Purposes in the World

Righteousness = Justice = Economic Justice = Work of Business People

Institutional Intelligence is the capacity to work effectively within organizations.